A good problem to have « verdure
A good problem to have
Sunday, September 21st, 2008

We picked our first of the two pumpkins. They have turned out rather larger than we were expecting. We made a pie and two loaves of pumpkin bread with the first half of one of them, and used some of the remaining pie slurry in french toast this morning.

We also have lots of ripe tomatoes. Probably half of the red ones have issues, spots on the bottom and the romas are cracking and not ripening evenly, but almost all are still quite usable. We made a salsa tonight that we will put in taco salad tomorrow.

The very welcome warmth in the first half of September has faded now, and so we picked the remaining watermelon today. (The only other one was on a vine that died and Mike had to pick it before it got ripe.) This one, while a bit lopsided and not as flavorful as could be, was ripe and juicy.

Mike replanted lettuce, spinach and peas while I was off in Alaska. Slugs have been going after the seedlings directly in the ground, but the others are doing pretty well, especially since it has gotten cooler.

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One response to “A good problem to have”

  1. […] Seeds Aside regales us with the history of tomatillos, which he refers to as miltomate.  In northern Arizona, we’ve already had a few close calls with frost this year.  I’m hoping the tomatillos from our garden fill out before the first hard freeze.  I’m pretty jealous of the bounty from verdure’s garden. […]