knotweed « verdure
Monday, July 7th, 2008

On Mom’s last visit, she identified our pretty but horribly invasive and persistent japanese weed as knotweed. I’ve just pulled up all of it that was up against the garden plot. I’m not stating this as an accomplishment, as there’s plenty left just two feet away (and we even saw it up at Olallie State Park this weekend), but just to see how long it takes for it to regrow up past the railroad ties again. Two weeks?

They need neither dirt nor water (they store it in their segmented stems) and chopping them off at ground level doesn’t faze them in the least.  I’ve dug down 8 inches or so to remove all their roots in our garden area and still they come back.

I also pulled off two green caterpillars from the smaller cauliflowers. I didn’t notice any slugs this morning. One of the larger cauliflowers is starting to grow florets.

Unrelated but current garden pictures:

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